About our Blog. . .

This is the blog of the Campus Ministry of the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa.
This ministry is provided by the pastors and congregations of the Westgate Circuit of the Iowa District East of the LCMS.
Pastor Ronnie Koch is the Blogger and Supervising Pastor of the Campus Ministry.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Notes on Large Catechism -- 5th & 6th Commandment

A Study of
Luther's Large Catechism

as found in Concordia: the Lutheran Confessions, A Reader's Edition of the Book of Concord edited by Paul Timothy McCain, Second Edition, Concordia Publishing House, © 2006.

Cain and Abel  Genesis 4
Read in the Large Catechism the Fifth Commandment pages 378-381 and answer the following questions:

1.   Ought the fifth commandment come into the debate over Capital Punishment?  According to Luther, which commandment would be more applicable?  (Or in other words, under whose responsibility does such punishment eventually fall?  See Deuteronomy 20:18-21.)
2. What is forbidden in the commandment?  See Matthew 5:20-26
3.  What is demanded of us in this commandment?  See Matthew 25:42-43 [which is quoted at 191], and Matthew 5:46-47.
4. Name Biblical examples of someone showing favor to their enemies.

5.  At #193, Luther says, "Therefore it is God's ultimate purpose that we let harm come to no one."  Consider Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139:16.  Who all is included as our neighbor?

Read in the Large Catechism the Sixth Commandment pages 381-384 and answer the following questions:

1.  On the top of page 382.  Luther refers to one’s spouse as “the closest possession next after his body.”  What makes the relationship with this, our “neighbor”, more significant than other relationship?  See Mark 10:6-9.

2. What is forbidden under this commandment?  1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Ephesians 5:3-4.  Matthew 5:27-28. (#202-204)

3.  What is required?  Especially, how do we serve our neighbor by keeping this commandment? (#205-210)

4. Is it marriage best for everyone? (#211)

5. Luther appreciated good humor.  But when can jesting or teasing go too far?

6. List some of the attacks and assaults on marriage that have arisen since the writing of this catechism.

6.   Read Genesis 2:20-25.  How might the belief in the process of evolution as an explanation of the origin of human life effect one’s understanding of marriage?

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