A Study of
Luther's Large Catechism
as found in Concordia: the Lutheran Confessions, A Reader's Edition of the Book of Concord edited by Paul Timothy McCain, Second Edition, Concordia Publishing House, © 2006.
"I am the Lord; that is my name;
my glory I give to no other,
nor my praise to carved idols."
Corinthians 8:4
as to the eating of food offered to idols, we know that “an idol has no real
existence,” and that “there is no God but one.”
Read “Explanation of the Appendix to the First
Commandment ” in the Large Catechism, pages 362 -363 of Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions.
1. It may be helpful to look up Exodus 20:5-6 to see the block quote verses in their context.
2. Can you think of present day examples where the Lord seems to show his displeasure on those who have hated Him? and their progeny? (p. 362, #34-35 and Romans 1:18-24)
3. Sardanapalians (p. 362, #36): Sardanapalus was one of the last Kings of Assyria. A transgender, he is known historically for his pursuit of luxury and carnal pleasure above all else.
4. Phalarides: ?
5. This is a fear inspiring threat from God. From your reading of the Bible, what other divine threats come to mind?
6. What promise of God is more powerful than these threats? (p. 362, #39)
7. From your reading of the Bible, what other Gospel promises can you recall and recite?
8. Can we observe these threats carried out against God's enemies and promises fulfilled for His faithful? (p. 363, #42 and Psalm 73)
9. What point does Luther make about the way a shoemaker uses his tools or a traveler uses an inn? (#47-48)
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